Our Tools & Training Are Free For Everyone.
We love Harrisonburg City & Rockingham County and are passionate about providing tools and training that are FREE and available to everyone.
Don’t see a training date that works for you or want to bring a course to your local group or organization? Connect with us!
Find our REVIVE Training dates HERE!
Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences
2 hours training exploring the effects adverse experiences and trauma during childhood have on development, and how those experiences may connect with one’s physical, mental, and emotional health in adulthood. Participants will discuss how individuals and communities can respond to trauma to prevent lasting impacts.
Adult Mental Health First Aid Training
This evidence-based, 8-hour training is provided at no cost to our community. Participants learn how to recognize signs and symptoms of mental health conditions and how to offer initial support. Participants learn the skills to connect others to resources and respond to crises related to mental health or substance use. Participants must be 18+ for this training.
Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences
*VIRTUAL* 2.5 hour training exploring the effects adverse experiences and trauma during childhood have on development, and how those experiences may connect with one’s physical, mental, and emotional health in adulthood. Participants will discuss how individuals and communities can respond to trauma to prevent lasting impacts.
We coordinate and facilitate FREE training courses on mental health, trauma, and substance use for our community!
This evidence-based, 8-hour training is provided at no cost to our community. Participants learn how to recognize signs and symptoms of mental health conditions and how to offer initial support. Participants learn the skills to connect others to resources and respond to crises related to mental health or substance use. Participants must be 18+ for this training.
ASIST is a 2-day, interactive training that teaches participants the skills to notice signs of suicide in a person, how to intervene to prevent immediate harm, and strategies for connecting someone with thoughts of suicide to the next level of care. Participants must be 16+ to attend.
This workshop is flexible and adaptable based on the needs of the group. Generally, this training explores the effects of adverse experiences and trauma during childhood and how those experiences may connect with one’s physical, mental, and emotional health in adulthood. Participants discuss how individuals and communities can respond to trauma to prevent lasting impacts.
REVIVE Is the Opioid Overdose and Naloxone Education program for the Commonwealth of Virginia. REVIVE teaches participants how to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose, the science of an overdose, and state laws related to an overdose response.
Find REVIVE Training dates HERE
We provide free tools to address and prevent substance misuse and suicide in our community. Making our physical resources easy to access enables our community to keep their homes and families safer.
Combination lock boxes used to safely secure medications in the home
Environmentally friendly, easy-to-use pouches used to destroy unused or expired medications
Sort and manage your weekly medications- available in 7-day or 7-day morning and evening styles
Bottles that keep track of when medication was last opened to decrease accidental overuse
Secure firearms with cable locks that prevent them from being fired
Prevent firearms from firing with a trigger lock for safe firearm storage